A Free Gig

Bassist Michael P. had arranged for us to play outside the Alameda restaurant on May 19 as part of a promotional event called “Bardstown Bound,” referring to a street. The two of us schlepped a scraped-together PA over on Friday and set it up. About the time we got that done, Brian White, a guitarist recently moved to Louisville from L.A., showed up and offered to sit in, with which we happily agreed.

The evening was very pleasant, no rain, so the crowds along the street grew steadily from 6 p.m. until we knocked off at about 8:45 p.m. Response from the folks sitting and standing around was positive; we introduced ourselves as “Tingo,” an Easter Island word that means “to borrow objects one at a time from a neighbor’s house until he has nothing left.”

What was most encouraging was that the audience responded to original tunes very well as the evening went along: they sound like “Real Songs.”

The restaurant owner, Rick, and his significant other Sandy (Michael P.’s neighbor as well) were happy about the crowd and said they would have a talk about us coming back, so the free show might well have led to a paying gig. Yea!

Of course, now we have to get some graphic stuff together: business cards, songlists, etc. Since Brian is a graphic designer with national-level customers, this should not be a problem. In any case, it’s all about leading to the final recording as a product.

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