Another Road Trip

Rolled down to Lexington on Friday, August 11 to record a couple of more tunes. Michael T. was busy and handed his task off to Bryon and Steve. I discovered that the hum in my Taylor pickup was more than a bad battery; there’s something else. I played a Takamine they had in the studio instead and did well enough, even though it was not as comfortable to play as my own instrument.

I laid down guitar tracks for “White Horses” and “There Aren’t Any Chains,” two tunes that have somewhat more complex guitar parts than many of the others. They are definitely not bluegrass.

Althogether, it was a quick session, though I confess to missing Michael T.’s ear for errors: a couple slipped through and may need to be fixed yet.

Overall, I’m getting somewhat more used to the process and, for the two tunes I did, I had previously worked out separate parts for primarily rhythm and something for a more instrumental feel. We’ll see what’s left in the mix, down the line.

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