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Issue:October 2020 Year: 2020
this one
Eddy Metal

News From the Pit
By Eddy Metal

Well, I am heartbroken once again. Nothing ever lasts, unfortunately. It sucks so much when you lose something that means so much to you. A part of you dies inside that hardly no one else seems to understand or grasp. I feel as though my heart has been hollowed out, scraped out of all the insides, and I am left with just an empty shell in my chest. This hurts bad. My little yorkie Roo passed away on September 22, in my arms, and it has been one tough time dealing with the loss of my sweet little boy. I've had him since he was 8 weeks old, and he was constantly by my side through thick and thin for 15 years. There wasn't no insulting, cheating, lying, fighting, drama, or any of that from this partner. Just unconditional love and friendship unwavering. Roo was a full-fledged rock star, though. I can't think of another more popular dog in the whole city, if you ask me. For such a little dog - at 5 lbs - he acted like like a giant. He was scared of nothing. He loved playing ball, riding in the Jeep with the roof/doors off, and he loved Frisbee in his youth, and would literally stop traffic when he played frisbee. He was definitely loved and lived a long, full, happy life. Hopefully I will see him again someday when 'my time' comes. I want to thank all of you for the wonderful support during this last week or so. I received over 900 gestures of support from you awesome folks and I appreciate it bigtime. R.I.P., Roo.

Life goes on, and, boy, what a life we have had this year. Crazy, crazy shit! I just can't believe how horrible our leaders are in Kentucky these days. Purposely destroying our economy to where our once great city has become Plywood City, and letting lawlessness, thugs, rioters, looters, violent protestors destroy our city, pretty much going unpunished (while they restricted the police from doing their job), and all the while common decent folks are on lockdown? WTF? It truly blows my mind, and makes me ashamed of being from here now. We need a new Mayor and Governor badly! Someone with an actual set of balls between their legs. One who will stand up for what is right, and with the willingness to fight for decent folks who want peace and security. Because we surely do not have that now! Life is crazy these days, and people do not seem to care about doing whats right, or simply do not have any morals or ethics- whatsoever. And I mean that in more ways than one too! Pathetic. I will say this though, I am ready for anything these days. There are way too many idiots and butthurt haters in this world these days. Grow up. Move on. Get a fuckin' life. Quit dwelling on shit you have no control over or can do nothing about. Being upset and negatve solves nothing. I live in an area that isn't the safest, but I am ready for anything! I have my concealed to carry permit, and I am armed and prepared to defend myself at all times now. I pity the fool who tests my resolve, for I will be no victim. Ever.

I support the LMPD 100%. Blue Lives Matter! I will never forget the effort and kindness of the LMPD a few years ago when my life was threatened by the local violent heroin dealer that moved in next door (that proceeded to sell hard drugs to half the neighborhoodZ) that I went toe to toe with. I'm sure many of you remember that crap. I wrote about it for months. The police were awesome and went out of their way to try to help me, almost even getting attacked themselves by intervening. I don't forget such things lightly. Anyways the police were great. A true credit to our city. I recently wrote the Sergeant in charge then and offered my full support in these rough times that our protectors are facing these days. His response was touching. It started of with "

I have to say, it was very nice to see your email this morning. I cannot tell you how much we appreciate your support and kind words."

That is all I will say, but it made me feel good. Having that job cannot be easy in these messed up backwards times. Sure there will be some officers who make mistakes from time to time, but you know what? No one is perfect. You have to expect that from time to time. Now, the current situation here in our once fair city? Truly horrible. Yes, it was awful that that young lady died. It is very regrettable and sad. Any loss of life in this manner is, regardless of race! But the facts are, you do NOT shoot at police officers. Ever! And if you do, what happens next is all on you. Especially if you happen to actually shoot one. I don't understand why this is so hard for people to understand.

Me personally? If someone is pounding on my door late at night, I'm going to see who the f**k it is. If it's some scumbag I've never seen, and they actually get through my door and are in my house, then yes, I will blow that Mfer away. My deepest sympathies to the deceased's family. But the result of what happened that night has shaken our city to the core. And the fact is; some assholes are actually happy about it. Happy to hurt businesses, happy to destroy property, and more than happy to have a lame ass excuse to riot and steal!

To me, destroying our city and encouraging destruction, discord and violence is the shittiest thing anyone could do at this critical time. We need to heal. And these things happening now, are the farthest thing from healing that I can think of. It's ridiculous and non productive AF. I'm all for that!

Enough on that, I have said what I needed to say...

Now, on to music stuff.

Thank god I was able to get away to Gatlinburg for a few days a few weeks ago to get my mind off this shitty year, and get away from the madness, for at least a little bit. Since returning I have gotten out a few times to go see some live music, Thunderstruck at a new venue called Street Grubs and Hops in Saint Matthews (see review below), Scary Uncle's long awaited reunion at Louisville Billiards, and Theatre Of Crue (the Motley Crue Tribute) at Louisville Billiards, and I was going to go see Uzi Suicide (the Guns N' Roses Tribute) until that Governor put another lockdown upon us, ruining even more stuff than he already has. Seriously? How much more damage could you possibly do to local businesses? Unreal. This Governor has people hating him sooo much now because of his over the top fear tactics and bullshit actions. I hope it was worth it, Mr Governor.

Other than that, there hasn't been much going on.

It is good to be jamming regularly once again with my band though. Covid, and our singer having trouble with his voice had us on hiatus for a full seven months. But we are back to rockin' and have our first show back set for Friday, November 13th at Louisville Billiards. I would love to see all of you there to support my old ass! God knows I've supported you mofo's from the beginning of time. It's you're turn, beeyatches! So get yer asses out to see our melodic hard rock band Year Of The Gun kick some ass once again! I can't wait.. And my other band Krosjoint has possibly found a singer, and he is a bad mofo! Experienced! So all we need is a drummer to complete the new lineup! Any interested drummers hit me up on Facebook, Duane Eddy Burke.

Peace and prosperity to you all.

The Metal Grapevine

Thunderstruck/Street Grubs and Hops Review w/Pics:

I needed to get out and get my mind off of things so I went to this new venue in St Matthews to see what’s up. It was a nice venue/restaurant with a decent little stage/sound setup. I immediately wondered how Thunderstruck was gonna put on their big stageshow in such a small space, but they made it happen. There was already a decent crowd there when I arrived, so I proceeded to order a few tacos before the show. I had been stressed about my dog's declining health and a few other things, so I hadn't eaten much lately. The food was killer. I had fish and pork tacos and fries, and they were really good, but I was still upset so I didn't get to enjoy my food as well as I would have liked. The food on the menu looked awesome though, all of it. Jared Matthews doesn't play when it comes to food at his places of business. He wants quality or he don't do it, plain and simple. There was a lot of room/space in this new venue/restaurant, but it was all filled up with tables overflowing with people there to hear some AC/DC. People were ready. Thunderstruck came out an delivered as usual. This is a very good Tribute band, and the best AC/DC Tribute I've ever seen. They got it going on. Dave Moody is Brian Johnson reincarnated, if he was deceased. Actually better than Mr Johnson, truth be told. Guitarist Corey Baetz was a nonstop whirlwind of motion. I tried in vain to get pics of him, but all turned up blurry AF. I gave up! Dude was killin' on the Angus Young leads though. Very good! Rhythm guitarist Kevin Feller had that Malcolm Young laidback look going on. Nothing but business for that guy! Laying down a steady rhythm. The bottom end team was fine and I heard no messups whatsoever. Bassist Chris Jones seemed like a charismatic fella as he laid down the basslines like it was nothing but a walk in the park. They played "Thunderstruck," "Back In Black," "What Do You Do For Money," "Dirty Deeds," "TNT," "Shook Me All Night Long," "Highway To Hell," "Hell's Bell's," before I had to go. I did nab the setlist and they continued on without me with my fave "Have A Drink On Me," "It's A Long Way To The Top If You Want To Rock N' Roll," "For Those About To Rock," "High Voltage" and "Money Talks." These guys are one tight band who have recreated the AC/DC experience to perfection. It don't get any better. They definitely are America's AC/DC Tribute, no doubt about it. I only stuck around for half the set, because I was still kinda bummed out about my dog, but what I saw/heard was a good one. The sound was good, the guitar tones were nice, you could hear the vocals clearly, this venue has it going on. I'm looking forward to seeing more shows there. I hope Jared will open it's doors to original music as well. Oh, and did I mention the food was killer? Check that place out. It's sweet.

Theatre Of Crue (Motley Crue Tribute) Review w/Pics:

Wow! These guys are badass. You mofos know that I've reviewed thousands (no exaggeration) of bands in my day, and I can honestly say, these cats from Cleveland, Ohio are the real deal. Last year I reviewed Motley 2 from Los Angeles, and they were horrid. The worst tribute band I've EVER seen. And from LA? WTF? Aren't they supposed to be the masters of L.A metal? Pshhh. Forget those chumps. These guys in Theatre Of Crue have captured the essence and sound of Motley Crue as best as anyone possibly could. Vince Neal isn't the easiest singer to replicate, but vocalist Tim Hinton does a great job, much much better than Vince ever did, even in his youth (I saw Motley on the Shout tour in ‘84!), in my personal opinion. Guitarist Michael Konstantinos is a monster on guitar, shredding so good on the Mick Mars solos, that even the most die-hard Crue fan could not tell the difference if challenged. Dawg was nailing that shit note for note! And what cool guitars he had. And he was one of the nicest dudes ever. Yessir, no slop with this Crue Tribute. Drummer Chuck Dobbins and bassist Andy Cane definitely held their own on the bottom end as the band tore through a long set of Crue classics like "Shout at the Devil," ""Too Young To Fall In Love," "Livewire," "Home Sweet Home," "Wildside," "Kickstart My Heart" and even a few more Crue songs you'd think you would not hear, like "Louder Than Hell," "Knock Em' Dead Kid," "Bastard," "Take Me To The Top" and "Piece Of Your Action."

The band ended the set with "All In The Name Of Rock."

The crowd at Louisville Billiards ate it up bigtime; the complete Motley look, the sounds, the quality of vocals, the searing leads, and I took the time and looked at folks reactions the night through, and I could tell they were more than pleased with this fine Tribute band. I saw smile after smile. After their set, I walked up to the guys to tell them they had a good review coming, and they were super nice. I can't wait for them to return. I think they had a good time playing Louisville as well. They made a lot of new friends for sure. And us Louisvillians were music starved for some Motley Crue done right! Props to Sheila Curtis for this awesome find. Well done chick!

Two thumbs up for Theatre Of Crue! Come back soon! Here is some footage of them in Cleveland Ohio.:

Scary Uncle Reunion Review w/Pics:

It's no secret that I'm not a big cover band fan. But these guys have made a dent in my armored heart and made me rethink my stance, at least for this band. To me, these guys were one of the best cover bands in the last ten years or so. I've seen them many times and they kick ass every time! Why? What makes them different? The song choices! I hate lame-ass commercial doo doo covers that every cover band and their mama plays, like Nirvana, Rage Against The Washing Machine, Muddle Of Pudd, etc. Nineties commercial garbage! Jesus Christ, be original, mix shit up! These Nineties crap songs make me, a true metalhead since 1979, wanna spew. But Scary Uncle plays some badass shit! And they play it with fervor! They play Rob Zombie, Ozzy, Pantera, Van Halen, Faith No More, In Living Colour, Motley Crue, Metallica, Alice In Chains (Not Man In The Box either!), Megadeth, Black Sabbath and Slipknot. My personal faves of the night were Judas Priest’s "Hellion/Electric Eye/You Got another Thing Coming", Ozzy's "Bark at The Moon", AIC's "We Die Young" and Iron Maiden's "Run To The Hills."


Louisville Billiards didn't know what hit them. It was a reality check from days of old. Vocalist Chuck Weber still has it, despite the long layoff. Ole Chuck can sing, scream or whatever needs to be done. He has the goods, as always! Great job, brother! Frank Campbell is a beast on guitar. His leads scream with authority. Such tone. Such feeling! Such technical skill. Guitarist Adam Young is the backbone of SU, and has been there from the start. Dude is the foundation and brick wall that is Scary Uncle. Hell of a guitarist, and a great guy too. Tony Z is one of the better bassists in town, and he has never had an ego in all these years. One humble talented cat is Tony Z! And everyone know drummer Danny Murphy is the epitome of metal drumming. I've known Danny since I was 15 or 16 and I could never hang with him musically, and I still can't! He is a drumming Jedi master, plain and simple. He even drove all the way up from Florida for this band reunion. The band sounded good and tight for probably not being able to jam much in preparation for this reunion show, but these guys are such consummate professionals that they probably didn't even need to. I hope they make a return to the scene, for this town needs Scary Uncle, a band that defies the norm, just to preserve real music from the heart, not just what every chick under the sun wants to hear that they heard on the radio years ago. Yes, Danny lives in Florida, and that is a bummer, but I'm sure a super cool dude like Danny would totally understand if they wanted to continue playing out regularly. Maybe Danny could come up and play a show here and there? I dunno. But I know a band this good should NOT call it a day. It was a lot of fun seeing Scary Uncle rock out again, I'm glad I was able to make it out.

LRSFEST 2020 w/ lineup:

Props to LRS for making this happen. It will be on October 2nd and 3rd at the Enchanted Forest in New Albany. Friday night it starts at 7:00 P.M. and features Turn3, P#and@%$! and The Tunesmiths. Saturday starts at 2:00 P.M and features The Crosswalks, Hidden Foundation, Laynes Calling, Chadillac Dundee, Near Existence, Banshee Child, Anemic Royalty, Signal The Revolution and E-Flat. A much better lineup than last year I must say. Support original music. It's supposed to be abnormally cold this weekend at the show, much colder than the usual early October temperatures, so hopefully that doesn't put a damper on the show. Have a good show peeps, and rock out!

SxWxP 's Lyric video:

Neat stuff right here! Sucks their European tour was cancelled. Damn Covid!

Musician Of The Month is Vocalist Ashton Blake:

Be sure to check out Ashton's feature this month! This young guy rocks.

New Music from Julius and Hidden Foundation:

I woulda put the music up for you to hear, but I needed it on youtube, so you'll hafta look it up yourselves until I get the youtube links. Julius' music is at Julius502.bandcamp.com and the EP is called Covid Cuts! Hidden Foundation just released some good stuff too, on their Facebook page.

Krosjoint seeking Drummer:

We have possibly found a singer! A bad mofo, too. We need a freaking drummer, though! I'm reforming Krosjoint with a fresh and exciting new lineup of reliable individuals.

We need a badass drummer with a great love for stoner metal and power groove. Metal with feeling! Interested parties should email me at Eddymetal1@aol.com

contact Duane Eddy Burke on Facebook.

LMN Live-E-Flat:

LMN Live- Hannan:

LMN Live- Hidden Foundation:

LMN Live- Incursion:

LMN Live- Blast From The Past- 99 MPH:

LMN Live- Untold Rellik:

LMN Live-Juke Joint Revival:

LMN Live- Gravel and Spiders:

LMN Live- SxWxP:

LMN Live- Fudgeknuckle:

LMN Live-WV's Zeroking:

LMN Live- Blast From The Past-13TH LEVEL:

LMN Live- Screamin John and LT Lind:

Upcoming Shows

21rst Amendment Tavern

Saturday, October 31 - APOD, Dirty Dollz and the Tyrants and Untold Rellik. 8 P.M.

County Line Swinging Doors (Lebanon Junction)

Saturday, October 31 and Sunday, November 1 Allen Ashbaugh presents Hell-O- Weekend w/ Fudgeknuckle, Rob Lyons and Devil Be My Judge. Costume Party, games, karaoke, prizes. 12 P.M to 12 A.M.

Dani's Place Bar and Grill (Sheperdsville)

Saturday, October 17 - Heartbreaker- The Tom Petty Tribute.

Diamond Pub St Matthews

Saturday, October 31 - Falls City Freeloaders

Denver's Den Of Sin (Online on Crossfire-radio.com at 6 P.M on Saturday, s)

Saturday, October 4 - Problem with Polly, 6 P.M.

Saunday, October 11 - Wear Your Depends Night. 6 P.M.

Sunday, October 18 Dana Harleys Night. 6 P.M.

Sunday, October 25 - Anton Mink. 6 P.M.

Sunday, November 8 - Contingency Plan. 6 P.M.

Sunday, November 15 - Skipping Stone. 6 P.M.

Louisville Billiards

Friday, October 2 - Hidden Foundation and SxWxP.

Saturday, October 3 - Str8 Jakkit and Philth.

Wednesday, October 7 - School Of Rock

Friday, October 9 - Haley and the Cometz

Saturday, October 10 Poison Tribute Fallen Angelw/ Free Warren.

Saturday, October 24 ZOSO The Ultimate Led Zeppelin Experience and Rok Hollywood.

Friday, October 30 - A Tribute to Red Hot Chili Peppers- Blood Sugar Sex Magic.

Saturday, October 31 - Two Pump chump, Phantom and Philth.

Friday, November 13 - Two Pump Chump, Str8 Jakkit and Year Of The Gun.


Saturday, October 17 - Tameless.

Saturday, November 7 - Falls City Freeloaders

Mac's Hideaway

Saturday, December 5

Falls City Freeloaders

Street Grub and Hops

Friday, October 2 - Rusty Dimes and The Good Time Funk/Soul Revue.

Saturday, October 31 - All Or Nothing

Sunday, October 4 - 3 Doors Down's Justin Biltonen w/ Bryan Fox. 8:30 P.M.

The Temple (Greensburg Indiana)

Saturday, October 10 - Untold Rellik, Dead In Indiana and DMS.

TK's Pub

Saturday, October 17 - Wicked Sensation

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